We are proud to welcome last year students in the Photography section of the Haute Ecole Libre de Bruxelles - Ilya Prigogine.

As part of a collective exhibition highlighting 10 varied artistic universes.

Class 2023 is represented by Allan Daïf, Arno Dominique, Hugo Fraysse, Chloé Meurist, Pierre-Louis Poliart,
Jonathan Pourchet, Estelle Vallier, Arthur Van Coppenolle, David Vredebregt and Alice Walravens.
The opening of the Replay exhibition will take place on Friday 23 June at 19:00 at Atelier 34zero Muzeum.

The exhibition will remain open on Saturday 24 and Sunday 25 June.
We look forward to meeting many.ses to share with you their works and drink the glass of friendship.